Tuesday, April 10, 2007

The Boy Loves Chicken(s)

My four-year-old loves animals. The other day he asked, "Why do people eat animals?" None of our responses were satisfactory. He declared, "I'm not going to eat animals anymore!"

Tonight the topic came up again. He expressed his love for chickens and asked my twelve-year-old daughter,"Why do people have to eat chickens?" My daughter replied, “They don’t have to. But what if there was no food and they only had chickens?” To which my son answered, “Then they would eat the T.V.”

That explains the bite marks on our set.


Anonymous said...

hi jennifer b: kids say the funniest things :)

hey, i answered your tag. come see. and i also tagged you for the other tag list i listed tonight in the same post. try it. this was really fun to do. today was the first time i ever played blogger tag. cool. thanks for tagging me.

all things good to you this day :)

Special K ~Toni said...

That could explain why Luke has taken bite marks out of my dinning room table! He also snacked on his crib when he was younger!

Anonymous said...

That is so sweet! We have bite marks on our remote. I'm not quite sure what to make of that. But maybe it's to spare the chickens.

Elizabeth-W said...

I'm trying to raise vegetarian children but it's tough. My older one has a definite carnivorous streak, but by three year old would be perfectly content to have a bowl of beans (not picky what kind) every night.
eat the tv--priceless!

eve said...

okay JEN! I'm freaking out right now that this is you! It's Erin E. From the old ward, you know, Geri's daughter-in-law.
I've actually read your blogs before having no idea that it was you! Okay this is cool Maybe the blogging world isn't as vast as I thought it was. We're doing well up here in Seattle. Stop by my blog and say hi!

Jennifer B. said...

Grateful -- Your post was great! I'll answer your tag tomorrow =)

Toni -- They're like puppies!

CW -- "maybe it's to spare the chickens" You are the comment queen!

Elizabeth -- I am in desperate need of some tasty meatless dinners. Want to send some recipes my way? I would be so grateful!

Eve -- Surprise! It's me. I have been checking your blog every day since I read your sugar and spice post. I was SOOO excited to find out you had a blog. Too fun!

Millie said...

My sister's parakeet used to eat the buttons off the TV remote. Speaking of birds and TVs.

Poor little guy, feeling sorry for the chickens... think he'll be a vegetarian after this? :)

Super Happy Girl said...

Makes total sense to me.

Hmm, chicken.

Jennifer B. said...

Millie -- Thanks for visiting! If he goes vegetarian, I'll be in serious trouble. My meatless dinner menu is pitifully small. I put out a distress call to elizabeth w. How about you. . .got any good meatless dinner recipes?

NCS -- So fun to see you here! I'm with you . . .chicken=dinner.

Carrot Jello said...

Did your kids eat my comment??

Jennifer B. said...

What?! I haven't deleted any comments and I have heard about Blogger comments disappearing, but I never thought it would happen to me?

What did you say?

Rebecca said...

but if he eats the tv you'll have to watch the chicken - that could get dull!

Jennifer B. said...

HA! I can just see my family sitting around our family room with a big bowl of popcorn as we dim the lights and watch the chicken!

elasticwaistbandlady said...

My favorite comedian in the whole wide world, Jim Gaffigan, had this to say about vegetarians:

Vegetarian:Do you know whats been done to that chicken?
Jim: Yes! And it's delicious.

I saw a picture yesterday that soured me on ever eating chicken nuggets again in this lifetime. Are you too chicken to eat this chicken?

Jennifer B. said...

Watch out EWL, think I'm . . gonna. . .be . SICK!


Anonymous said...

my husband once bit into a skipbo card but that had everything to do with being very competitive, and nothing to do with animal rights. cute story :)

Jennifer B. said...

Hi Emily! I'll have to remember that in case we're ever playing Skip-bo together.(Were you winning?)